Sterling Assisted Living is the committed to providing clean, comfortable, safe and secure homes for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities in need of the following services:
1. Companion Services
2. Professional Behavioral Support
3. Family Training
a. Independent Clinical
Social Worker
b. Registered Nurse
4. Host Home
5. In-Home Supports (Direct Support Professionals)
6. Individual Day Supports
(Direct Support
7. Residential Habilitation
(Direct Support Professional)
8. Wellness Services
a. Sexuality Education
Therapist – Counselor
b. Licensed Independent
Clinical Social Worker
9. Supported Living with out
We strive to create incredible relationships with the individuals we serve. We are invested in developing a personal connection with each and every person who resides in our homes , by providing quality service and being available to you and your support system 24/7. Get in touch with us when you're ready to learn more; we can't wait to meet you!
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